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Euthyrox Petition Germany

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Mitsouhors ligne
Inscrit le: 15.10.19
Messages: 2

MessageEuthyrox Petition Germany

Posté le: 17. Oct 2019, 09:33
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I am the founder of the petition "reintroduction of the old thyroid tablet Euthyrox with lactose".
link: qui quitte ce forum et ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

In the German forums, more and more people are gathering who have strong side effects with the new tablet: qui quitte ce forum et ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

I became incapacitated by the new tablet and got a strong hypofunction and adrenal fever. Now that the supplies are running low in Germany, more and more people report side effects of the new Euthyrox.

Unfortunately, I do not speak French, so please forward the petition in your forum. I can add a French text to the petition, but I would need a translation.

please support our petition!


Google Translator

Je suis le fondateur de la pétition "Réintroduction du vieux comprimé thyroïdien Euthyrox avec du lactose".
lien: qui quitte ce forum et ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

Les forums allemands rassemblent de plus en plus de personnes qui ont des effets secondaires importants avec la nouvelle tablette: qui quitte ce forum et ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

Je suis devenu handicapé par le nouveau comprimé et j'ai eu une forte hypofonction et une fièvre surrénalienne. Maintenant que l'approvisionnement est faible en Allemagne, de plus en plus de personnes signalent les effets secondaires du nouvel Euthyrox.

Malheureusement, je ne parle pas français, veuillez donc envoyer la pétition sur votre forum. Je peux ajouter un texte français à la pétition, mais il me faudrait une traduction.

s'il vous plaît soutenez notre pétition!

En Italie, il y aura un autre comprimé de lactose dans deux ans. Nous pourrions peut-être faire revenir Merck à la société italienne qui fabrique les comprimés.

In Italy there will be another lactose tablet for another 2 years, maybe we can get Merck back on the Italian company producing the tablets.
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Beateen ligne

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Posté le: 17. Oct 2019, 13:37
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Hello Mitsou, Guten Tag, Bonjour,

I didn't have the time to reply to your email until now, but I'll write you this afternoon!

The French patients tried to warn the patients and the authorities since the beginning of the crisis in France, in particular with a "letter to Europe" in 6 languages (April 2018): Lien à l'intérieur du forumLevothyrox nouvelle formule: lettre aux autres pays d'EUROPE

German version:

Unluckily, there was nearly no reaction... and the European health authorities recommended the introduction of the new formula in 27 additional countries...

I published information in the German forum "Ohne Schilddrüse Leben" since the beginning, with regular updates about the situation, the law suits etc. : qui quitte ce forum et ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

I will contact you by email - and of course we are very willing to support the German patients!

Bis bald!

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Mitsouhors ligne
Inscrit le: 15.10.19
Messages: 2


Posté le: 18. Oct 2019, 10:25
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Dear Beate,

Thank you for your answer.

I would like to add a French text to the petition, can any of you speak both languages ​​in the forum?

here to my illness course

Old Euthyrox 50 with lactose August:
TSH: 1.3
ft3: 1.74
ft4: 1.07

no problems, healthy

New tablet 50 after 2 weeks:
TSH: 2.66
ft3: 2.01
ft4: 1.06

Headache, shortness of breath, muscle pain, high pulse, fatigue, nausea, heartburn,
increase in weight

Reduction to 40, after 5 weeks:
TSH: 4.5
ft3: 3.0
ft4: 1.5
Cortisol deficiency: 5.0

sick leave, can do nothing more, 24 hours strange heart trembling, high pulse, no sleep...

again old tablet from France with Russian sticker from a friend with lactose 40, 2 weeks

TSH: 1.47
ft3: 2.3
ft4: 1.1

I feel better, but still bad, because the new tablet has caused a cortisol deficiency and I therefore currently tolerate nothing at all. Even after eating I have circulatory problems

Question to you. Has anyone tested the Italian tablets with lactose? Are the same ingredients.
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